Monday, March 9, 2009


Two Comments made by Anna lately:

-On our way to the Y two Saturdays ago, we were "running low" on fuel. (Well, actually I hadn't put gas in the van and the red light had been on since Wed.) Anyway...we were on the bridge leaving Illinois heading into Iowa when the van stalled! OK, I panic all the while Eric looks at me with his little smirk and just shakes his head! He tries to re-start the van and it doesn't budge. I get on the phone to call a friend to bring us some gas, when Anna says; "Mom just ask GOD, he will get us there!" I looked and Eric, smiled, he tried the van again, it started and sure enough we made it to the Y! WOW, all from the mouth of a 6 year old.

-Last Wednesday I picked Anna up from school and she shared with me that there was a dog on the playground when she was out for recess. She said to me that when all the other kids were running away from the dog, she "STOOD TALL, and PRETENDED TO BE A TREE." I asked her why she acted like she was a tree, and she said, "Mom, you shouldn't run from dogs, becasue they will run after you, but if you pretend to be a tree they won't bother you." Good point, I shared with her. Such a smart little gal I have! Love her!

1 comment:

Libby said...

Love it Anna. You smart little cookie. Aunt Libby