Thursday, January 14, 2010

World Relief in Haiti

I have been in Baltimore all week at our World Relief Headquaters for a training. As we quickly became awhere of the situation in Haiti, I realized that World Relief had an office there with 30 staff. It has been rather interesting to follow the situation and how WR is responding. Last night at 5:30 pm our VP of Programs and Disaster Relief was leaving the office for Haiti. I got a few minutes to chat with Stephen to let him know that I would be praying for him and for him to have a safe journey. We got word that he and a few others were ablt to get into Haiti on a private airplane. Stephen wrote on Twitter that the WR office has collapsed and that 28 out of the 30 staff have been accounted for. He wrote they needed food and water. My heart has been heavy these past few days so I ask you to pray specifically for the two World Relief staff that have not been found, Stephen and the entire Disaster Relief team, and all those assisting with the efforts. It is so difficult to understand why things like this happen?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Glad to here from you Amy but am really sorry that WR is in such a disaster. Gladly put them on my prayer list. Take care of yourself and your family and doing the best we can is all any of us can do. Love Aunt Sue