Sunday, April 5, 2009

4 Years Old on the 4th Day of the 4th Month.

Yesterday was Jude's fourth birthday. We enjoyed the day at the YMCA with a few of Jude's friends eating pizza, playing, and having cake. He is starting to get a cold but he still had a great day. Last night the four of us headed to the movies where we watched Monsters vs. Aliens in 3-D he seemed to really enjoy it! I am just amazed how quickly time flies. All mom's say this about their kids, but it is the truth. He was just a baby yesterday and now he is 4 WOW! I can't believe he only has one more year before he starts kindergarten (I'm NOT ready for that!) He is my heart, pure joy, laughter, and kindness. My little boy Jude I love so very much!

Jude's 1st birthday...

This year... Birthday Theme was SpiderMan, hence the costume!

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